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What is Tarot:


First let me tell you what it is not. Tarot is not witchcraft or occult. Tarot is quite simply a deck of symbol rich imaged cards and in my case, made up of 78 cards, 22 of which are higher arcana cards (the bricks in the wall of life – the larger issues or turning points) and 56 of which are minor arcana cards (the mortar in the wall of life – our daily events and actions). Tarot cards are divided into suits, much like playing cards and each suit symbolizes an area of life: cups (symbolizing emotions, relationships & love), swords (symbolizing intellect and mental processes), pentacles (symbolizing material aspects and possessions), and wands (symbolizing energy and enthusiasm creating enterprise). The card numbers dictate where we stand within any given area at the time.


What is a Tarot Consultation:


Sitting comfortably at a table I will ask you to shuffle two decks of cards, focusing on infusing them with questions you might have. Whenever you are ready you will choose the required number of cards in each deck which I will then lay out in what is called a spread (a layout or pattern on the table, image side up). I will review the cards then  begin with their interpretation. As well as interpreting the cards, I will also intuit additional information when made available. Your questions are welcome.


How Tarot Works:


There are many theories on how tarot works but I will share with you my own, based on decades of experience. My assessment on this question is simple. Tarot cards are a tool I use to communicate with your higher self, guides and angels or whichever words you are most comfortable with, because quite honestly, the term matters not.


The cards having been cleaned in between readings are neutral energetically, meaning the previous client’s energy has been removed, therefore when you begin to interact with the cards through handling, shuffling and putting your intentions into them, you are in an energetic sense, making them yours for this period of time.


As you choose your cards, although it may seem like a random choosing, I assure you it is not. You choose “your cards” that represent what has just passed, is current or about to come into your present. At this stage it is simply a matter of interpreting their placement in relation to one another in the spread.

Tarot Readings can be done in person, by phone, through Messenger or Zoom. 

Cartes de tarot _ Tarot Cards
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