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Reiki Healing Session

About Reiki:


Reiki is an alternative or complementary hands-on healing modality that is safe, gentle, and non-intrusive. The Japanese word “Reiki” means spiritual energy or universal life force energy. Reiki energy works holistically by balancing and healing at all levels: physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.


What is a Reiki Session:


Reiki healing sessions last an hour with you lying comfortably on a massage table fully clothed (except for shoes, belt or jewelry), covered by a blanket and supported by a bolster (cushion) for added comfort. Ambient lighting and soothing music assists you in obtaining deep relaxation whilst I place and hold my hands on various parts of your head and body. There is no massage involved, nor touching of intimate body parts, as well as any other body part that you are either not comfortable with or that are sensitive due to pain or illness (to be discussed prior to commencement of session).




My clients experience a variety of sensations. They range from temperature changes: cold, warmth and heat, as well as visual imaging such as bright, vivid colors and energy patterns. Physical sensations such as tingling, pulsation, twitches and tremors, as well as intense feelings of emotion such as the need to cry or laugh are common. Some experience spontaneous thoughts or memories are also experienced; yet others remark on the sense of deep relaxation alone. Any and all sensations are normal and nothing to be alarmed about. In the majority of treatments, falling asleep is natural.


How Reiki works:


Although we think about Reiki as working on the physical plain alone, in actual fact, Reiki due to its divine nature will work where it is most needed and at the level it is required first. In other words, should the physical manifestation be a result of emotional upset (anger, frustration, or hurt), or mental blockages (negative thinking), or spiritual disconnect (lack of self love and self forgiveness), it will work at these levels first, by breaking up these blockages, thereby allowing physical healing to take place.

What is Distance Reiki?

The Hermetic Law of Similarity states that we are all interconnected. Everything, in our world. Everything that surrounds us, including our physical bodies, is made up of energy. If everything is energy then we are one with all that is and we are part of a larger whole.

In my second level of reiki training I was shown three sacred Sanskrit and Japanese symbols, one of which is the “distance reiki symbol”, used to connect to anyone or any circumstance regardless of distance and time. As such, utilizing the “distance reiki symbol” invokes this law during a distance reiki session, enabling a reiki healer to connect through space to anyone, anywhere in the world and through time, to heal any situation past or present.

Does Distance Reiki Really Work?

Through follow-ups after distance reiki treatments, my clients would either ask me questions, or state things that confirmed that they do in fact feel the treatment as if receiving it in person. The physical issues in my client’s bodies are reflected in my own. Often clients don't bring up these issues prior to starting the session, but when I work on particular areas I sense need attention, they often state the feel me laying my hands there and describe the very thing I was sensing.

A Distance Reiki Story:

One of my first distance healings was a case study I performed to obtain my certification with the Canadian Reiki Association. I had begun the session using a pillow as my stand in. After completing treatment on the front, I went to gently turn over the pillow to work on the back (as when asking my client to turn over on my massage table). As I began to turn over the pillow, the buckwheat hulls filling cascaded inside the pillowcase and I quickly clamped down my hand to prevent the pillow from thudding down on the table. I continued the session hoping this mishap would go unnoticed, thankful that my client was a girlfriend in San Diego.  She commented on a wonderful session, save for a brief but painful moment with intense squeezing on the right side of her waist followed by an abrupt awakening. I was stunned to realize she had experienced the mishap I had with the pillow. This and other incidents I’ve experienced confirm that distance reiki does indeed work as well as an in-person session.

What Is a Distance Reiki Treatment?

The Distance Reiki Story I’ve recounted paints the general picture of how a  session unfolds.

Before the actual session, once I have permission from my client being treated at a distance, we establish a time for treatment taking into consideration time differences. It is imperative that treatment occur when the client is available, and sure to be undisturbed and relaxed, such as after having gone to bed. At the beginning of the session, I prepare my healing room as usual and use a stand-in for the person or animal being treated. This can be a pillow, on which I visualize and actualize the placement of my hands throughout the session. I activate the session with the sacred symbols and begin the session. Depending on the time of treatment, I can follow up directly afterwards or on the following day by phone or Skype.

Distance Reiki Sessions are Ideal for Your Animal Companions:

Animals are sensitive beings and as such many can be nervous leaving their surroundings. Not all are willing or at ease to have a stranger work with them. And yet, because animals do not have the prejudices or expectations humans do, they more easily welcome and visibly benefit from reiki treatments. You need not displace your beloved pet, and they need not endure extra stress during an already trying time of illness, anxiety or worrisome behaviour.

In cases where our animal companions are terminal, reiki is a wonderful, gentle way to accompany their transition into the spirit world. I have seen first-hand, how reiki can visibly comfort and reduce their discomfort and stress.

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