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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Why Skepticism is Good – Just Be So with An Open Mind

Updated: Feb 2, 2020

Definition of Skeptic;

One definition of skeptic is “a person inclined to question or doubt all excepted opinions”, which when analyzed, is actually not as negative as it may at first seem. After all, one should have one’s own experiences to decide what best depicts what one chooses to believe or chooses to become. The danger is, in staunchly remaining skeptical, without ever deliberately challenging the status quo. The individual that claims rubbish, hogwash or ridiculous without ever attempting to understand or have their own experience on said subject is in my humble opinion, missing out.

Remain Open;

There are truly many wondrous gifts to be garnered through remaining open to the unseen, non-physical world. When it comes to paranormal or psychic arts, I would hazard to state that this field garners more than its fair share of skeptics, and yet, I believe a good majority aren’t really nay-sayers, but perhaps hide behind this facade out of fear. I can empathize with them, in such that we live a primarily physical existence which entails using our physical senses 24 hours a day. We are not taught to use our psychic senses, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t, otherwise what would be the point of having these senses to begin with? So, for the skeptics and pseudo-skeptics I encourage you to challenge yourself by keeping yourself open to the unknown, the unseen. After all, the unknown and unseen will remain so, until you attempt otherwise. “Seek and ye shall find”.

Case in point; energy healing. I will be the first to admit that the first time I witnessed a demonstration of energy healing in my late 20’s, I was somewhat doubtful. However, I added a side-order of “open-mindedness” to my main course of skepticism. A good thing too, for had I not, I would have simply labeled the teacher’s demonstration as hokey-pokey, left the room and missed out on this wondrous phenomenon. At first, I was struck by the oddity of the healer’s ritual and my rational mind jumped in, to ridicule and to judge what I had never experienced before. Once I got beyond my initial reaction and stepped back, I began to pick up subtleties. When later we, the participants, took our turns to practice a hands-on healing session, I knew without a shadow of doubt that there was most definitely energy coursing through my body and out my hands even if I didn’t understand how. That experience marked me and validated that anytime I was out of my comfort zone, I was to step back or go within in order to truly see, feel and experience, therefore formulating my own thoughts on the subject. The beauty is this episode opened me up for so much more to come.

An introductory exercise;

Fast forward a couple of years, I had just located a spiritual school in Montreal where I was experimenting with a myriad of healing modalities and psychic arts. This became my first real training ground for energy healing work, taught through various exercise’s. My very first exercise a warm up or introduction if you will, I invite you to try it, was as simple as holding up my hands, palms facing each other, fingers closed and hands slightly cupped about 6 inches apart. Slowly close the gap half-way until your hands are about 2 inches apart and re-open to starting position. Do this a few times or until you begin to sense a cushiony feel or like a squishy ball. If you are a beginner, sensing the energy cushion or ball might be easier with your eyes closed. When the hands move toward each other there is a slight resistance where upon closing the gap there’s a slight pulling, like the hands are slightly magnetized towards the other. This same exercise can be done in front of a light-colored wall, observing the space between the hands with soft eyes, wherein a white or pale yellowish energy can be seen in addition, if not at first, with practice it will become visible.

From Unknown to Unforgettable;

Our teacher who would volunteer to do healing and impromptu mediumship at hospitals would round up volunteer patients/clients for us to work on. They came willingly as they were simply at their wits end when Western medicine was unable to heal. There is nothing like chronic pain and illness to wear down the spirit and make us loose hope. Ironically, we had a few non-believers come in as well, for there was nothing to lose but the illness itself, or at the very least benefit from some relief. Only the teacher knew which illnesses our volunteer clients suffered, and of their symptoms. So, it was always with much fascination when one patient at a time would sit in a chair within our circle of “healers in training”. Before any energy was focused on healing, we were first asked to scan the patient to try and sense the illness, the cause of, and the symptoms. To clarify, this is not necessary to a healing session, but we, the students, got to practice our “clair’s” as well, I’ll elaborate on them a little later. I feel that now would be a good time to clarify that (energy-healers) cannot diagnose, to legally diagnose in Canada you need to be a medical doctor. We, the students, never diagnosed. So, eyes closed, followed by deep-breathing, meditation for 5 minutes, scanning begins and so to all the sensations. Our teacher purposefully left out what might happen so that we would simply experience without expectation or anticipation. So much happened in the few minutes I scanned, I began to wonder if I would remember it all and then it became quite evident that this would no longer be a problem as I had been indelibly marked. Twenty years later, I still remember that session vividly. Once scanning completed, the healing session began, followed by the students submitting their written findings, which our teacher compiled, prior to our client divulging the nature of their illnesses and symptoms. This was then followed up by the students’ findings, it was rather remarkable. These exercises taught us which psychic senses were most developed. When I mentioned no longer worrying about remembering all I sensed, it’s because I had taken on the client’s physical symptoms. This ability to physically feel a client’s body is called clairsentience. This brings me back to the (clair’s). The “clair's” is an affectionate name given to all the psychic senses. Here is Wikipedia’s definitions of the more common of the psychic senses;

  • Clairsentience: is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires psychic knowledge primarily by feeling. The word "clair" is French for "clear", and "sentience" is derived from the Latin sentire, "to feel".

  • Clairvoyance: from French clair meaning "clear" and voyance meaning "vision" is the ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extra-sensory perception.

  • Clairaudience: from French clair (clear) and audience (hearing) is a form of extra-sensory perception wherein a person acquires information by paranormal auditory means.

  • Clairolfactus: from French clair (clear) and olfactus (smelling from the nasal area) which comes from extra-sensory perception wherein a person accesses mediumistic knowledge through the physical sense of smell.

Be Curious;

Amazing things happen the minute you think differently, the minute you push outside of your comfort zone. So, the next time your first reaction is to fluff something off as weird or impossible, take a breath, step back and simply observe or participate. The worst thing that can happen is that you replace out-dated thinking with an otherworldly experience. Be curious.

I would love to hear about your experiences of this kind and invite you to leave your comments or questions below.

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