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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

When the Student is Ready the Teacher Will Come

Updated: Jan 29, 2020

Books hold all sorts of magic within their pages.
Books hold all sorts of magic within their pages.

Difficult Books:

Several times over the years I have bought books that at the time seemed the perfect fit or relevant to my life, only to ascertain within the first few pages that I wasn’t able to absorb the messages nor appreciate them. Instead of becoming engrossed in the subject, it was all I could do to focus on the words, reading and re-reading them ad nauseam and finally, frustrated, throwing in the towel. Oddly enough instead of giving away these so-called, difficult volumes, I left them to adorn my bookcase. Why hadn’t I forwarded them onto others? I never really gave it much thought up until a morning just this week. Whilst packing hurriedly for a two-day jaunt to a chalet, I decided to spend some time reading and without much thought grabbed one book, one of my difficult ones. Looking back, of course, I should have taken another just in case I was unable to become engrossed in this book yet again, but I didn’t hesitate for one second. Why? It wasn’t long into reading this book that I had a crystal-clear answer. I was ready now, for the messages contained within, clarifying my past and current experiences. I believe my super conscious understood this fact, and hence the reason I never doubted my choice of books.

Running Before Walking:

You wouldn’t expect to see a baby run, without first having learned to roll over, push itself up, rock, crawl, stand, and walk. There is a sequential method to our learning, although at times we progress with baby steps and other moments by leaps and bounds. I needed to manipulate and adopt the basic spiritual teachings before I was better able to open up to the larger more complex constructs. My first attempt with grasping the information contained on these pages I liken to expecting a baby to run when it had only reached the crawling stage, never mind standing and walking as yet. Impossible at this stage to fathom running. Hence, the reason I was beside myself the first time around.

When the Student is Ready:

This brings me to the adage I heard in my early 30s at the height of my spiritual schooling, “When the student is ready, the teacher will come.” I always assumed that my teachers would take form of an individual, which, of course, many times they had. However, when certain phenomenal teacher’s crossover into the other realm what better way to continue to be inspired and taught by them than through their works?

I was very much into astrology in my early days enough to study the various astrological signs in depth, and applying my knowledge to adapt to the various personalities in my life, be it for personal or professional reasons. I had read or attempted to read many books on the topic but only Linda Goodman’s—Sun Signs contained the ability to keep me utterly engrossed in this experience. It is her books I refer to, to this day and if you are not already acquainted with her works then I absolutely encourage you to introduce yourself. It is also Linda Goodman’s book, Star Signs—Uncover the secrets to self-discovery and fulfillment, that I have attempted to read yet again, just this week, the one that decades ago contained messages that eluded me at that time. And yet, this time around, they are being absorbed and understood almost as fast as I read them. This time around, not only does it all makes sense, it’s peppered with many an ah-ha moment.

We cannot force life or experience, it flows the way it must and when you are ready, new teachings will arise in time. Perhaps it will be a particular individual that challenges you, perhaps a documentary or movie you view, or perhaps still, a precious book. I must concede that I have a love of books. There is magic contained within their pages, potions that can open one up to new worlds and ways of thinking and dreaming.

So, when you are ready, someone or something will become your teacher, but only at the right time.

Love & Light,

Michelle Rose

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