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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Uneasy or Uncomfortable with Western Medical Treatments?

Updated: May 2, 2020

Alternative Holistic Therapies Might be the Best Option

It’s to be expected as the year’s tick by that we will eventually find ourselves going to more funerals than weddings, more trips to hospitals for illness than for births. However foreseeable sickness is as we age, receiving serious news about a loved one’s illness can feel like the sun has been eclipsed for eternity, and even when you begin to come to terms with the news, overwhelm, uncertainty and questions are sure to ensue.

Two Sides of the Same Coin:

Being a healer has been a blessing in many ways, however, it comes at a cost. On one hand I understand that the soul of the individual afflicted chose illness for its growth and for that of those around them. Knowing this, allows me to be able to assist in healing without expectation of the outcome. I have to respect and accept what a client, a friend or relative decides to experience through their disease for I know that their disease has something to teach them. I am not there to get in the way but to support the process.

On the other hand, having been through so many of my own illnesses and having researched, read and tried various healing modalities and nutrition, I have much knowledge to share on the topic of alternate, holistic therapies and I do so with an open heart in the hopes that it resounds deep within the recipient in such a way that they will research the alternatives for themselves in order to determine if the alternatives are better suited to them. The cost I mentioned earlier, is having to accept a decision for Western medical treatments, when gentler, natural alternative treatments exist. It is hard to accept a soul’s decision to take a more difficult path. After all, none of us want to see our loved ones, or anyone for that matter, suffer needlessly.

In-curable Means Curable from Within:

There are many incurable diseases that have been cured, that is a fact. Many have recovered from incurable diseases through a myriad of modalities all beginning within their mind. They believed it was possible. They desired healing and they decided it was up to them to see themselves as healed. In-curable means curable from within. Recovery begins with you and alternative holistic medicine does so naturally and gently.

I encourage all of you to listen to your physician’s advice as I do believe that Western medicine has its place BUT I recommend seeking a second opinion, then do your own research for alternate possibilities. If a treatment seems excessive or something within you opposes the idea, then listen to that inner voice, trust it. Find another way. There is absolutely nothing to lose by learning about other healing modalities and quite possibly, everything to gain. There are doctors that heal naturally—holistically. A radical thought for some I’m sure.

From Ridicule to Resistance then Adoption:

Throughout history there have been beacons of light that were far ahead of their time and that humanity ridiculed, only to eventually discover that these individuals were correct in their assessment and far from crazy. For example, many believed that the Greek philosopher Pythagoras was crazy when he stated that the earth was round. Louis Pasteur met with violent resistance with his theory that bacteria spread diseases and, in the same vein, doctors took exception when one of their colleagues Dr. Semmelweis discovered that hand-washing dramatically reduced childbed fever. Every leap in progress was at first ridiculed, vehemently opposed and eventually adopted and accepted as truth. There are many other truths that exist that have yet to be adopted worldwide but, that are in fact, factual and effective. It is up to you and me to be strong enough to face adversity in our beliefs, because, unfortunately there will be opposition. Remember that sometimes what seems too simple or gentle actually is the way. After all, what is simpler than hand-washing?

Alternative Cancer Treatment:

One such illness that has touched each and every one of us in some way, is cancer. On this note, if I may be so bold, I would like to mention a man who I truly believe is one such beacon of light, a doctor of cancer who has discovered a way to treat cancer without chemotherapy, radiation or hormone therapy, with incredible results. Just to be clear, I do not, in any way work with him, nor do I gain commission or any benefit from mentioning him here. I simply believe in his work with all my being and would like to do my part in assisting healing through less invasive and toxic means. I believe and know that healing does not have to be synonymous with additional and unnecessary suffering. Healing can be and should be humane.

Reiki Supports Healing:

More and more hospitals are opening up to the fact that reiki reduces patient anxiety and lessens the side effects of medicines and treatments such as chemotherapy, to such a degree they staff a team of reiki practitioners to give healing before and after intervention or surgery. Regardless of what ails you or your chosen method of care, I am here to support you through Reiki healing sessions. Click here to book a session.

Love & Light,

Michelle Rose

If you would like some pampering and healing through reiki do let me know by booking here. I would be happy to be of assistance.

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