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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Transforming Self-Criticism into Self-Love

Updated: Jun 12, 2021

Help Needed:

I have always prided myself on making positive changes, becoming the best version of me possible whether it be taking steps to better health through nutrition and exercise, or breaking repetitive negative relationship patterns through therapy. If it’s not working for me, I will take the time to figure out why and then ruminate a positive solution and execute it for however long it takes.

This process of self-reflection was turbo-boosted once I began practicing Reiki. Reiki elevates one’s energy to higher vibration which automatically means the lower vibrations must automatically fall away and with them are the things that hold your soul back from a spiritual awakening and growth. Much of what I used to accept or manage became increasingly uncomfortable and unbearable to the point that I became conscious of the need to modify or eliminate them altogether, whether it was draining relationships or an unhealthy lifestyle. Through reiki healing work and meditations, the cycle of self-analyzing, from identifying areas of discomfort to determining a course of action, followed by the period of active conscious transformation, became more urgent and quicker to completion albeit with more fallout. I won’t lie, my foundation was rocked and the period that followed was anything but fun or comfortable, but it brought about wonderful outcomes never had I imagined possible. Anything that is worth changing is worth the discomfort to make it happen and Reiki is not required to make these changes, but it does better equip and support you in the quest. In my case I know Reiki also gave me extra stamina and courage to roll with the punches and an inner peace or knowing that those around me and I would be better for it. I smile as I write this, I am grateful for the positive outcomes of my challenging times.

The Calm Before Another Storm:

After much progress I hit a lull, thinking great, I’ll get a break for a bit and enjoyed how pretty much everything in my life were falling nicely into place without much trouble. Don’t get me wrong I hadn’t fooled myself into thinking that’s it, there is nothing else to work on, my soul has hit Buddhahood. Nope, I knew there would be more to come later. What I was not prepared for, was what the next major hiccup would be and how unfathomable it was to me that I had never had this face-off as yet.

I had witnessed negative self-talk many times past, but had simply brushed it off. It was only a few weeks ago that the full force of what I have been doing to myself since my early teens become crystal clear. I had been undermining myself, with an internal negative dialogue. I had put on a dress I love but instead of enjoying the dress my inner voice stated that it was too bad I can’t do it justice. You have football shoulders, a thick waste and no hips and whatsmore is that now at almost 50 years of age, your skin texture is changing for the worse. The full weight of the harm and dare I say cruelty I had doled out to myself over all of these years came crashing in and had become all too clear and suffocating. I decided then and there that this had to stop, especially seeing as aging was only going to magnify the status quo. I needed to make peace with and learn to love ALL of me, wholeheartedly.

Since that “aha” moment I have caught myself a dozen times at least, replaying versions of that same negative tape. The difference now is that as soon as I catch myself, I face myself in the mirror and say “enough” or “stop” and I walk away. At other times I gaze at myself and regardless of how I am feeling or what I am thinking, I will lovingly tell myself I’m beautiful just the way I am.

Pop the Champagne:

The delightful outcome to wholeheartedly taking a decision such as this is the almost instantaneous shift that happens within. In my case, regardless of the fact that I had not erased my inner tape as yet, the fact that I knew I would, eventually, has brought me relief and a welling up of love inside me. I liken this to popping the cork of champagne. With a little twist and tug, it welcomes the release and bubbles of love rush to the surface. Lack of self-love can only be healed by ourselves; no one can do the work for us and no-thing can fulfill us.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

The courage to change the things I can,

and the wisdom to know the difference.”

- Reinhold Niebuhr

I sure can change my inner dialogue and I do have the courage to do so and so can you. Choose love, choose you.



If there are issues in your life that are not working and you would welcome additional assistance and support through a Reiki healing session, then I invite you to book a session now. I would be pleased to be of assistance to you on your journey.

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