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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Time to Hibernate? 8 Ways to Honour Your Inner Bear

Updated: May 9, 2020

Hibernating Bear
Hibernating Bear

If it were left up to me, I would release the month of November from its duties of cold rain, fierce winds, dreary days, darkness and melancholy. No other month is as unattractive as this month in Canada, in my humble opinion. I’m pretty sure that I am not alone in this assessment. November is hard on the moral and the senses. I would replace November instantly with another month of October filled with sunny days, magnificent colours that charge our root, sacral, solar plexus and heart chakras, or perhaps with another month of May, filled with promise of new life and beginnings and heat to come.

Find Me a Den:

Honestly, I feel half bear, with this immense desire to locate myself a cozy den, crawl into it and not come out until spring, or, if only on the mildest of white winter days. I find this time of year such a challenge in every way. However, one must not cave in (pun-intended) to what could so easily become a mild depression, dwelling on the long winter months ahead filled with short days of snow, cold and, of course, the increasingly popular freezing rain. After all, everything has a silver lining and I was determined to find it or them, if only to save my sanity.


In the past few years I have learned to honour my inner bear and what it desires most is to slow down, turn inward and be still. The winter months are a time to recharge our batteries, to contemplate the changes we would like to effect in the year to come and perhaps how best to do so. But most importantly is to heal and be present.

8 ways to honour your inner bear;

  1. Sleep. Retire to bed when you’re tired, not when the clock states you should. Get the extra hours of sleep. It’ll go a long way to boosting your energy and moral.

  2. Meditate. Honour your body’s need to simply stop. Be still.

  3. Play. Spend time doing something you love, whether it’s reading, jotting in your journal, making a scrapbook, painting or whatever else tickles your fancy. The idea is that it comes easily, naturally, fills you with happiness and gets you to reconnect with yourself.

  4. Pamper yourself. Cut yourself off from the world, or perhaps spend the day at the spa or simply take a long candle-lit bath.

  5. Heal. Schedule yourself an alternate healing therapy to boost your energy system.

  6. Eat healthy, eat organic. Consciously ingest good, wholesome and healing foods for mind and body. We are indeed what we ingest.

  7. Love. Actively love everything and most especially yourself. Spend time with those that give you energy. Adore your pets, plants and crystals.

  8. Appreciate. Consciously be in the moment and appreciate all that surrounds you, such as hot water, electricity, candlelight, a warm bed, your hands and feet, the smell of coffee or incense, soft music, sunsets and sunrises. Be grateful.

I wish for all of you, pure, intense, peaceful moments to reconnect with the most important and long-lasting relationship you will ever have, yourself.

With love and light,

Michelle Rose

How do you cope with the shorter, colder days? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

For those of you like me, that need a little help with their energy level and moral during this period of time a Reiki session is definitely in order. Just click here to reserve your spot.

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