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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Throat Chakra 101 – Deficiency, Excess and Balance

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

Throat or Vissudha Chakra
Throat or Vissudha Chakra

As we continue to move up the spine to the fifth chakra in review, the Throat chakra, let us review quickly the location and orientation of the first four chakras covered in the previous blogs.

The Root Chakra is situated at the base of the spine, and is associated with survival and self-preservation whereas the Sacral Chakra is located in the abdomen and is associated with self-gratification. The Solar Plexus chakra is found in the upper abdomen, and is associated with self-definition, followed by the Heart Chakra located in the chest, level with the heart and is associated with self-acceptance and acceptance of others.

The Throat chakra more specifically dominates the world of words, creative expression and communication. When I think of the throat chakra, the expression to “walk your talk” comes to mind. In other words, are you being true to yourself? Are your actions in alignment with what you express? Are you true to who you are, and are you able to manifest this in the world? Or do you live in accordance with what others would have of you, or do you speak only the words you believe others would want you to say, or perhaps, safer yet, not at all?

The following excerpts of information on deficiency, excess and balance within this chakra are taken from an extraordinary work of art by Anodea Judith—in her book Eastern Body, Western Mind.

Throat Chakra—Chakra #5:

  • Associated with self-expression

  • Located at the throat, pharyngeal plexus

When this chakra is deficient, the following issues may arise:

  • Fear of speaking

  • Small, weak voice

  • Difficulty putting feelings into words

  • Introversion, shyness

  • Tone deaf

  • Poor rhythm

When this chakra has excess energy, the effects can entail

  • Too much talking, talking as a defense

  • Inability to listen, poor auditory comprehension

  • Gossiping

  • Dominating voice, interruptions

When this chakra is balanced;

  • Resonant voice

  • Good listener

  • Good sense of timing and rhythm

  • Clear communication

  • Lives creatively

We know we are spiritual beings living a physical experience, however, we now know that all that appears solid is not. We, and everything that surrounds us is energy and energy vibrates, flows, and pulsates. We are one with all, and as such, we affect and are in turn affected by all. Words are vibrations, sounds that we emanate and when they are inline with who we are we resonate with our own energy fields, in harmony. It is much harder to pretend to be what we are not, than it is, to stand up for and express and live who we truly are.

Ready to speak your truth and find your voice? Click here to book a 90-minute reiki session. I look forward to meeting you.

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