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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Third-Eye Chakra 101 – Deficiency, Excess and Balance

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

Sixth, Third-Eye or Ajna Chakra
Sixth, Third-Eye or Ajna Chakra

Onwards and upwards to the sixth chakra in review, the Third-Eye chakra, let’s pause to review quickly the location and orientation of the first five chakras covered in the previous blogs.

The Root Chakra is situated at the base of the spine, and is associated with survival and self-preservation whereas the Sacral Chakra is located in the abdomen and is associated with self-gratification. The Solar Plexus chakra is found in the upper abdomen, and is associated with self-definition, followed by the Heart Chakra located in the chest, level with the heart and is associated with self-acceptance and acceptance of others. The Throat Chakra is located at the pharyngeal plexus of the throat and is associated with self-expression.

Living in a physical world means that we have a tendency to focus on or value more our physical senses. However, as spiritual beings foremost, inner sight should and needs to be strengthened as well. The Third-Eye Chakra not only oversees our physical vision through our eyes but more powerful and fulfilling yet, is inner-seeing through our “mystical” third eye. When the two are combined, a full picture can be seen or sensed. Additional information can be gleaned with inner vision. Opening our third eye means the we see beyond the physical and perceive deeper meaning in life. We are better able to spot patterns in our lives. The Third-Eye Chakra is the seat of psychic development and playground for our intuition. Developing it is to enhance your sixth sense and to glean additional information.

Instead of physically noticing someone doesn’t seem themselves today, with inner sight (clairvoyance or clear-seeing), you might see the reason behind this, or sense (clairsentience or clear feeling) the why of it, or perhaps hear actual words spoken (clairaudience or clear hearing), from your guides or angels telling you what the issue is. Perhaps you will simply know (claircognizance), which I liken to an instantaneous download. Everyone, without exception, has the capacity to experience any or all of these. Like physical muscles our third-eye needs to be exercised and in so doing, it strengthens and with time becomes so automatic that we no longer differentiate between our physical and psychic seeing.

The following excerpts of information on deficiency, excess and balance within this chakra are taken from an extraordinary work of art by Anodea Judith—in her book Eastern Body, Western Mind.

Third Eye Chakra—Chakra #6:

  • Associated with self-reflection

  • Located in the forehead, brow, carotid plexus, third eye

When this chakra is deficient, the following issues may arise:

  • Insensitivity

  • Poor vision

  • Poor memory

  • Difficulty seeing the future

  • Lack of imagination

  • Difficulty visualizing

  • Poor dream recall

  • Denial (can’t see what is going on)

  • Mono polarized (one true, right, and only way)

When this chakra has excess energy, the effects can entail

  • Hallucinations

  • Delusions

  • Obsessions

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Nightmares

When this chakra is balanced;

  • Intuitive

  • Perceptive

  • Imaginative

  • Good memory

  • Good dream recall

  • Able to think symbolically

  • Able to visualize

The Role of Reiki in Chakra Health:

Truly, one of the easiest and most effective methods to rehabilitate our damaged or blocked chakras is through Reiki. This restorative treatment is incredibly potent and yet non-invasive, mending damage accumulated throughout our lives, and speedily leading towards self-transformation and overall improvement. Reiki energy is channelled through a healer’s hand chakras by way of various hand placements above each of the recipient’s body chakras, charging them and in turn the aura, the body’s protective energy field. Charging helps to open, heal and affect the rate and direction of spin of the chakra, which in turn assists in overall healing.

Ready to truly see your world, as it really is and can be? Click here to book a Reiki healing session. I look forward to meeting you.

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