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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Square Peg, Round Hole

Updated: Jan 29, 2020

Square Peg, Round Hole
Square Peg, Round Hole

I was reminded of an expression “square peg in a round hole,” although not entirely within its original given meaning, rather more along the lines of how we have the need and desire to fit into society at all costs, figuratively and at times literally.

Let us say that you are either a square or a round peg. Trying to fit into the opposing shaped hole is an exercise in futility and yet, many of us try just the same. It matters not that your square pegged parents brought you up with their square beliefs and for a while you mimicked them, you need to honour your roundness. It matters not that you observe the world as being for round pegged individuals, if you are square, treasure your squareness. In other words, be who you are, your true self, not the mask you created to please your parents, or shaped by religion or to mold within mass belief. The only thing that matters is that you cherish yourself, be it square, round or any other geometrical shape for that matter. Not only does pretending to be other than who you are, not fit, it requires much more energy and effort than being your authentic self and prevents you from living your bliss.

The minute you decide to honour who you truly are, and act upon that for which you incarnated regardless of the opinions of others, miraculously all opposition will simply melt away and will be replaced with a deep sense of wholeness and excitement for what the future holds.

Here is to you,

Michelle Rose

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