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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Not Sure What Your Interests Are? – A Vision Board Workshop Might be Just What You Need.

Updated: Feb 2, 2020

Vision Board
Vision Board

Although not knowing what I like or what is of interest to me is not an issue that has ever affected me personally, I have encountered many individuals afflicted with such a predicament, which coaxes the amateur psychologist in me to emerge. I love getting to know people and I am truly intrigued by situations that I have no prior experience with, which in turn spawns the urge to question these individuals further. Don’t misunderstand me, I do not see people as a sample smeared between cover glass under a microscope but more from an emphathic stand point. I desire to understand and perhaps assist in a solution to this dilemma.

Of those I’ve questioned most concede they know not their interests and when further prompted, simply because they never attempted to try, not knowing where to begin. The key, is just to begin. Begin somewhere, anywhere. Surf the net, read articles on a myriad of topics, go to the book store and spend a few hours in all the aisles, show up for various free events your town hosts, attend many of the free classes that various schools, studios and associations offer in order to entice you into signing up for a class or two or even a session. Attend any and all free festivals in your area. If you are feeling intimidated or completely out of your comfort zone, why not ask a friend to tag along with you as a safety net, preferably one that is outgoing and sociable to help you break the ice.

Another interesting idea is to attend a vision board event where people with either the same or similar hiccups come together to get their bearings. Having hosted a few such events myself I have witnessed the newfound glimmer of potentiality if not outright excitement after a few hours shared brainstorming and perusing magazines in order to commence the creation of a vision board, the purpose of which is to be visible daily to inspire you to action. You definitely need not be an artist, to cut out words or pictures from magazines on various topics or to be a writer to jot down a few words or ideas. All you need is to show up.

The first key is to start, start anywhere. The second, is to see life like the extravagant, delicious buffet it is and try everything. So, grab your plate and scoop onto it many wonderful and various spoonful’s, then take the time to consciously taste each and every bite. How else will you determine what wets your appetite or gets your juices flowing. Bon Appetit.

Love and light,

Michelle Rose

Note: I animate vision-board workshops and the information can be found here. Workshops are a minimum of 4 participants and a maximum of 10 and can be booked here.

If you know of someone who might like to participate in this workshop or enjoy this blog, please like and share. Thank you.

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