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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

My Fortune Cookie—The Last of Three Nudges

Updated: Jan 29, 2020


Most of you who know me, know about my love and respect for all tools divinatory, however, there are many other ways our angels and guides speak to us. Regardless of the medium or method they choose, repetition is key. Trust me, the synchronicity cannot be missed or ignored.

Months before I started working on the creation of my business I had received three crystal-clear nudges from the universe confirming my desire to take the leap into entrepreneurship. I questioned if I had the ability to be an entrepreneur; would I be successful, would I find the right clients … etc.? But deep down I really couldn’t ignore that this was something I truly needed to attempt even if it didn’t pan out. And so, it was, on the brink of this all-consuming idea that the universe nudged me in very curious and ingenious ways.

A Beckoning:

I live in a new housing development that is mushrooming every day and during one spring evening walk I was snooping through undressed windows of newly lit condos wherein I spied a beautiful, simple and yet powerful piece of artwork that instantly teleported me. It was a photo or painting of a rope bridge hanging in mist that beckoned one to traverse it to the other side. This simple canvas captivated me and I could feel the adrenaline as I contemplated making my way across in a jungle and all the fears that it would awaken such as “will the bridge hold my weight,” “are the foot-boards stable enough,” “can I make it and if I do, will I be able to come back on it?” And as always, there is the other side of the “fear” coin, the intoxication of the unknown, the mysterious jungle ahead that enticed me to attempt the crossing, beckoning me on to new adventures. I continued on with my walk haunted by that vision wishing I knew where I could procure it.

A Repetition:

Later that week I had an osteopathy appointment and when I entered the office for the first time, I was stunned and overcome with goosebumps for the same exact artwork hung on its wall and I couldn’t help but feel in the deepest recesses of my soul that I was being nudged. “Take a chance,” I could hear them say.

Their Final Word:

Finally, it was at a Chinese restaurant finishing up a wonderful supper with a green tea and my fortune cookie that I would yet again be encouraged. I always have gotten a kick out of my fortune cookie messages but nothing prepared me for the powerful one that I had just unfurled; “Cross over the bridge, victory is waiting.” It took everything for me not to cry in front of my dinner mates, tears of profound thanks to my angels and guides who, whether or not I am listening, continue to hold my hand and speak loudly.

And so, I did cross the bridge. Funny thing too, I have no intention of returning over it, for I desire only to move forward, onward to new horizons.

I wish you good fortune.

Michelle Rose ;)

So, when has your fortune cookie actually meant something for you? Did you action on the message? I encourage you to share below in the comments.

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