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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Energy and Psychic Development

Updated: Feb 2, 2020

Human Energy Field or Aura
Human Energy Field or Aura

Our physical world is entirely made up of energy, be it our individual magnetic fields or auras as well as the universal energy field that unites us all. When our aura mingles with another’s we pick up on subtleties automatically without effort and unconsciously for the most part. “Why are we repelled by some and attracted to others without really knowing them?” The answer lies in our auras as they are highly intelligent and very intuitive and when we learn to trust this divine guidance, life becomes easier overall.

Here is one very simple and fun exercise to practice.

Example: When my girlfriend met a new man I knew nothing about, she asked me what I could pick up. Here is the exercise if you would like to practice.


  1. Either seated or lying comfortably, close your eyes.

  2. Take a few deep slow breaths and relax, sinking into the surface you’re on.

  3. Once you feel ready to begin, repeat the full name of the person in question a few times and then stop

  4. Simply relax and without pushing or willing the information to manifest, gently let information bubble up to the surface.

  5. At this stage perhaps you are getting images, feelings or actual words. Whatever the case may be, do not judge it nor second guess yourself as this is the equivalent to hanging up a phone, you will disconnect and need to redial.

The first few times you practice this, it might take a while to begin to pick up information, but with practice this information will be made instantly and concise.

Not knowing the gentleman in question allowed me to be a blank canvas, and it wasn’t long before I had difficulty breathing. I was being enveloped in negative, controlling energy and I felt confined and smothered. He had a very dark oppressive energy. When I disclosed this to her she confirmed that this is how he had begun to be with her and she wanted confirmation that this was in fact what he was about. She didn’t continue with the relationship.

Honing our intuition and making it a conscious part of living can help us to save time and frustration. That feeling you should take an earlier exit but you dismiss it and lo and behold the highway suddenly becomes a parking lot. Or that feeling that you forgot something but instead of taking the time to figure out, at your destination you regret not doing so. So often our intuition speaks to us but we rebuff it. Life is far simpler and definitely more entertaining when you cultivate a relationship with it, it’s rather like another a best friend that always has your back.

I would love to hear about a time when you listened to your intuition or not, and what was the outcome. Please leave your comments below.

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