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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Do You Know How Powerful You Are?

In order for you to understand just how much power you have within yourself I need first to touch upon a few scientific theories to do so. My hope is you will, like me, begin to really see what you can do on an individual scale to assist our planet in healing.

Holographic Universe:

There exists a common theory in the world of Physics that we live in a Holographic Universe. The hologram concept states that every piece is an exact representation of the whole and can be used to reconstruct the entire hologram. Since everyone one of us is a part of this universe, this concept applies to us as well.

Although I understand the concept, understanding physicists proving this theory leaves me perplexed. Believe me, I have tried again and again. Thankfully for me I know this to be true through experience.

I was at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico in my mid 20s staying with my girlfriend who was a fitness instructor there. We headed out one night at 3 a.m. to hike up to a plateau that overlooked a valley below where clouds were known to get caught and spend the night. We reached the plateau just in time for sunrise and the spectacular show that ensued. The sun’s rays upon the clouds created the illusion of them catching fire. It was breathtaking. It was then that I had a mystical experience. As I stood at the edge of this barren plateau gazing with pure gratitude and awe at the beauty before me, completely transfixed by the burning clouds I felt pure joy and peace and alignment with the Universe. Then it happened. My body completely evaporated and I was literally one with all the energy around me. I knew without a shadow of doubt that I was invisible, I was incapable of feeling my body. I had become the universe and it me. I had no boundary anymore, I was expansive, I had become space but always with my consciousness, mind, personality…etc. I had the strangest thought just then. OMG if anyone were to see me now, they would only see my eyes! And then I remembered something hilarious, Loony Toon cartoons when the characters are in the dark and all you see are the white eyeballs blinking.

A couple of seconds before my girlfriend began calling out to me, “Michelle, where are you?” I became aware that she wondered where I disappeared to. It was impossible to have hidden anywhere. There were no cacti nor rocks higher than my shins to hide behind. To my dismay I materialized leaving my friend somewhat perplexed as to where I had gone and how she could have missed seeing me ten feet away.

It was one thing to know that I disappeared but to have it confirmed by my friend who literally lost sight of me added another layer to this incredible experience. This was proof positive. It was truly an expansive experience but at that time I had no explanation to what actually transpired. It wasn’t until a number of years later reading “The Celestine Prophecy” by James Redfield that I would understand my experience. Although I didn’t purposefully raise my vibration as described in this book, I realize that a combination of factors created divine alchemy. Mix a lack of sleep, combined with the excitement of hiking in unknown territory in the dark, add to this the telltale sound of rattlesnakes ensuring we do not stray from the trail, a good physical workout, and top this with breathtaking beauty at the summit and I was, “Poof,” gone.

In eliminating my physical body my consciousness had free reign to feel my interconnectedness with all there is. It is our physical world senses that fool us into thinking that we are separate from each other. The body’s denser energy contrasts with the higher energy that envelops us creating the illusion of difference of separation.

The Law of One:

Given our interconnectedness then the premise of the Law of Once which states that what each of us does to another we do unto ourselves is true. If you are vengeful to one, you do this to yourself. If you choose forgiveness, then you release yourself as well.

Last week I was watching an interview with Belinda Womack, who channelled the following message from the archangels;

“When you want to help the poor, the abused, the disabled, the abandoned, the suffering, the hopeless, the angry, the powerless, the helpless and so on, say to yourself, where are you within me? With all the love within me I lift you up energetically, vibrationally I send you back to the Source to receive everything that you need and desire that will bring you true happiness.”

Listening to the beauty of the words that kindly and gently tumbled from her mouth my eyes welled up with tears of joy and hope and love. This profound truth resonated deep within me. I will add this to my spiritual practice and it is my hope that others will join me.

The Vibration of our Emotions:

Compassion and Love are of the highest vibrations there is on Earth, within our Galaxy and Universe. Therefore, it stands to reason that no matter how many lost souls that are set on wreaking havoc in the world that it only takes a few of us elevating our vibration and therefore our collective consciousness to sway the scales toward enlightenment on Earth.

As terrifying and hopeless as our current world situation may seem right now, we are exactly where we are supposed to be. We have been brought to a precipice of choice, do we choose FEAR or LOVE moving forward? Do we add to the fear or do we add to love? Every ascended master has reiterated that we are all divine and what they can do we can do as well. We are powerful, but we need to make a conscious decision to believe it and to step into it. Even just one person choosing love elevates the collective so imagine what changes we can affect to our current world situation if the masses followed suit?

As you see in the above graph if someone resonates with fear, they will vibrate at 100 hertz versus someone who choses love vibrating five times higher at 500 hertz. Add to this that you are I are one, you vibrating at 500 hertz raises my vibratory rate as well as every other being on Earth and vice versa.

The next time you feel powerless in the face of the seeming chaos, think again!

“What I am looking for is not out there, it is in me.”

- Helen Keller -

Love & Light,

Michelle Rose 🌹

If you feel that you require some assistance with your current energy level and would like some assistance in elevating it then I suggest booking your distance or in person Reiki healing to charge your chakras and auric field.

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