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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

Base or Root Chakra 101 – Deficiency, Excess and Balance

Updated: Nov 28, 2021

Root, Base or Muladhara Chakra
Root, Base or Muladhara Chakra

What has become crystal clear from my own journey and from assisting others on their road to recovery is the importance of developing awareness of and caring for our chakras. When all seven main vortices are healthy, then the corresponding physical, emotional and spiritual systems are as well.

I have read various books on the topic of chakras and studied healing of these vortices with utter fascination. The more I read, learn and practice, the more I desire to know. I truly feel that the foundation of one’s health is in the understanding that we are so much more than our physical bodies. Without delving too deeply, I thought I would break down one chakra per blog, which would constitute a chakras 101 series. The topic of chakras and the aura is vast; however, the basics alone are all one needs to understand to make the connection between yourself and any physical, emotional or spiritual ailments or disease.

What are Chakras?

The word itself translates to “wheel” or “disk” that spins, and the seven major chakras (on which I will focus in turn) run from the base of the spine to the top of the head along the spinal column. Like our emotions, chakras cannot be held, they are not of the physical body but greatly affect our health and connection to all of life.

How are Chakras Damaged?

Chakras are damaged by any number of causes, including, but not limited to, trauma, illness, abuse, malnourishment and neglect. This can affect the rotation, the force of rotation, or the actual form of the chakra, leading to an inability to properly intake and process universal energy, or, to expel the body’s own energy, as well as, a complete blockage of the chakra. A healthy chakra system (all 7 major chakras) should be open and balanced in order for our life force energy to freely move up and down the spine through the chakras, nourishing all attached associated systems. When a chakra is damaged or blocked, our life force or energy cannot freely move throughout our bodies, or is confined above or below the chakra, leading to illness.

The following excerpts of information on deficiency, excess and balance within this root or base chakra are taken from an extraordinary work of art by Anodea Judith—in her book Eastern Body, Western Mind.

Root or Base Chakra—Chakra #1:

  • Associated with survival & self-preservation

  • Located at the base of the spine

When this chakra is deficient, the following issues may arise;

  • disconnection from the body

  • being notably underweight

  • feeling fearful, anxious, restless, can’t settle

  • poor focus and discipline

  • financial difficulty

  • poor boundaries

  • chronic disorganization

When this chakra has excess energy, the effects can entail;

  • obesity, over eating

  • hoarding, material fixation, greed

  • sluggishness, laziness, being tired

  • fear of change, addiction to security

  • rigid boundaries

When this chakra is balanced;

  • good health

  • vitality

  • well grounded

  • comfortable in body

  • sense of trust in the world

  • feeling of safety and security

  • ability to relax and be still

  • stability

  • prosperity

  • right livelihood

The Role of Reiki in Chakra Health:

Truly one of the easiest and most effective methods to rehabilitate our damaged or blocked chakras is through Reiki. This restorative treatment is incredibly potent and yet non-invasive, mending damage accumulated throughout our lives, and speedily leading towards self-transformation and overall improvement. Reiki energy is channelled through a healer’s hand chakras by way of various hand placements above each of the recipient’s body chakras, charging them and in turn the aura, the body’s protective energy field. Charging helps to open, heal and affect the rate and direction of spin of the chakra, which in turn assists in overall healing.

Delving Deeper:

For those of you who would like to delve further into the causes of chakra damage in order to understand and heal your mind-body connection, please do read Anodea’s book. Personally, I feel it is incredibly enlightening to the process of healing. Mine is a constantly curious and investigative mind that enjoys connecting the dots of why and how. However, this is unnecessary to the healing process. Healing begins the minute you decide it is time. If you let me, I would love to accompany you along your journey to wellness.

Would you like some assistance in over-coming anxiety and in becoming more grounded? An excellent beginning would be a 90 minute reiki session. Click here to take an appointment. I look forward to meeting with you.

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