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Writer's pictureMichelle Rose Lemay

An Antidote to Insomnia is Reiki

Updated: May 9, 2020

Reiki Healing Session
Reiki Healing Session

Tired of frequent bouts of insomnia or interrupted sleep (pun intended)?

A Car Analogy:

Think of the body as a car, both are made up of many interconnecting parts working together. We take the time to fill our car tanks with the correct fuel for it to run smoothly so it only stands to reason that we should fuel our most precious vehicle, our bodies, with a healthy nutrition. Regular oil and filter changes keep our engines from choking up much like the benefits of exercise for our cardiovascular system. Now I’d like you to think about your body when it lacks sleep and compare that with a car battery that is slowly dying. Both become sluggish, despondent and without intervention will eventually come full stop. Neither the human body nor an automobile can continue to run without routine maintenance. Our batteries, both real and figurative require charging. In the worst-case scenario, a car will decide not to turn over when you put a key in the ignition, but, this is easily rectified by either a jump-start or replacing the battery in most cases without getting too much into mechanics. In fact, not only is the problem easily rectified, the car in question will actually run better than it did before in the case of a battery replacement. If only this were true of the human body. This is where the importance of sleep comes in, deep, sound and solid sleep in keeping our energy stores topped up.

A Jump-Start Named Reiki:

Insomnia whether chronic or infrequent will over time gnaw at the body’s ability to remain alert or to be positively responsive to day-to-day events, and if our bodies go unaided over time, they will, in a worst-case scenario shut down as well. And we all know there is no new battery that can simply be popped in to return us to optimal efficiency. Sleep experts state that sleep deprivation must be treated by playing catch up on all the hours of lost shuteye that have gone on before. It’s literally like having a battery that drains over time, we must top it up to run at maximum, and until we do, our bodies are running on less and less. In other words, you must begin to get better quality and quantity of slumber. However, just like the car battery, if it is leaking or your alternator is not doing its job, all the boosts in the world will not fix the problem. Likewise, better sleep will only result from a combination of lifestyle changes, such as occupying another bedroom away from a partner that snores or squirms, refraining from ingesting stimulants such as caffeine in your diet and so forth. But what of the sleep issues that we have less control over, that are harder to uproot? Thankfully, this is where energy treatments make their entrance. Reiki is our version of booster cables for the body, charging through the chakras, clearing and cleaning blockages, replenishing the energy field to hasten full body healing and what’s more, reiki will go above and beyond by working at the root cause of the insomnia and incapacity to handle stress if allowed to do so. Remember all healing begins with you, you must want to heal for healing to take place.

Greater Depths of Slumber:

One of the very first benefits I noted during and preceding an energy treatment is the ease in which I would fall asleep regardless of time of day. I had the impression of having been asleep for a much longer period of time than the time elapsed and I obtained a depth of sleep never before reached. As much as my first experience impressed me I was even more stunned by the fact that each successive session brought about the same sense of profound relaxation and rejuvenation. So, I was not surprised to see my clients have this same experience. I suffered insomnia at various stages through my life, now insomnia is a rare event and if truth be told, only makes an appearance when I have gotten complacent in my auto-treatments.

If you are having trouble falling or staying asleep or perhaps never sleeping solidly without interruption, either as a result of insomnia or stress and you have tried a myriad of remedies without progress then I do suggest a few sessions of reiki. Reiki is completely natural, non-invasive and one cannot receive too much of it, remains a perfect antidote to insomnia.

There is really nothing like waking up in the morning refreshed, energized and optimistic about the day to come.

Sweet dreams,

Michelle Rose

Do you suffer from insomnia and what methods have you tried to overcome it? I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Please do leave you comments below.

Click here to book a 90-minute reiki session. I look forward to meeting you.

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